D Magazine Honors Meagan Martin Powers for a Third Year in a Row
They say the best compliments are those that come from your peers. When D Magazine honors the Best Lawyers in Dallas, they ask current Texas lawyers to nominate the best lawyers in their field whose work they have witnessed firsthand. Candidates who receive the most nominations are then vetted by D Magazine’s editors before a second review by a panel of the area’s leading lawyers.
We are thrilled to announce that in May—for a 3rd year in a row—Martin Powers & Counsel founder and managing attorney, Meagan Martin Powers, earned a spot on this exclusive list of the Best Lawyers in Dallas. She has been honored for her exceptional work in the business and commercial litigation category.
Meagan has represented and continues to represent clients in all types of business disputes including cases involving breach of contract, partnership disagreements, breach of fiduciary duty, enforcement of non-compete agreements, theft of trade secrets, and many other areas.
Congratulations again to Meagan on the well-deserved honor!